Cruroplasty, also known as thigh lift, is usually indicated for those who have severe sagging and excess skin and fat in the legs. In general, this occurs in people who have lost a lot of weight (such as post- bariatric surgery or dietary reeducation) or who have a genetic predisposition to sagging, especially after aging.
Like all other surgical procedures there are different types of cut according to the severity of the case, for example if your problem is just a small flaccidity in the upper thigh (internal culotes) a simple cut hidden in the groin solves the problem, however if there is already more flaccidity and excess fat, in all the inner and posterior (three-dimensional) thigh only the groin cut will not solve and we will have to extend it to the knee.
It is a simple procedure that requires only 24 hours of hospitalization and is done under spinal anesthesia (raque or epidural) and venous sedation. The postoperative, unfortunately, is not very comfortable since there are limitations due to pain during movements mainly to sit and lift. This discomfort usually lasts a week but after the second week everything will be normal (excpet for beaches and gyms that are restricted for 30 days).
To achieve almost imperceptible scars we use absorbable internal sutures and a surgical glue called Dermabond Prineo (Johnson & Johnson) consisting of a polyester tape that with the adhesive becomes an airtight (polymerized) closure for the wound, which keeps it fixed for 2 a 3 weeks improving its quality and functioning as a barrier against infection.